05. TurtleBot Gazebo Package

TurtleBot Gazebo Package

Turtlebot package:

Access this link and go through the turtlebot_gazebo documentation. After that, follow the instructions listed below to clone the turtlebot_gazebo package in the src directory of your catkin_ws and build it.

While scrolling through these instructions, you will notice that some statements are a bit different than the one presented in the videos. The reason behind that is the different environment used. In the videos, a Virtual Machine booted with LUbuntu is used. Here in the description, you are presented with instructions on how to replicate the steps in the Udacity Workspace. The only difference between what you see and what is listed is the directory of the catkin_ws. In VM, you can store it anywhere you want, preferably in the root ~ directory. Whereas, in the workspace, you will have to store it under /home/workspace/ so it won't get deleted after a reboot.

Clone Package:

$ cd /home/workspace/catkin_ws/src
$ git clone https://github.com/turtlebot/turtlebot_simulator

Install Dependencies:

$ cd /home/workspace/catkin_ws
$ source devel/setup.bash
$ rosdep -i install turtlebot_gazebo

Build Package:

$ catkin_make
$ source devel/setup.bash

Launch Nodes:

$ roslaunch turtlebot_gazebo turtlebot_world.launch


$ rostopic list
$ rosrun rqt_graph rqt_graph